BEWARE: Gastric Bypass Increases Risk for New-Onset Alcohol Abuse
"Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery is associated with an increased risk of developing new-onset alcohol abuse, according to findings from a study of 340 patients who underwent the procedure"See...
View ArticleDrinking frequency linked to cancer risk - Medical Observer
"Frequent alcohol consumption increases women’s risk of cancer mortality by nearly a third, a study suggests.The research found high frequency drinking drives the increased risk of all-site cancers...
View ArticleToo Much Drinking May Raise Lung Cancer Risk: Study: MedlinePlus
While smoking has long been linked to cancer, its frequent companion, drinking, may be as well, a new study suggests.Three new studies presented at a medical meeting this week find a link between...
View ArticleSmall amounts of alcohol increase breast cancer risk (but OK for the heart)
Women drinking just three to six glasses of alcoholic beverages per week face a small increase in their risk of developing breast cancer, according to new research.The US research, published today...
View ArticleHeavy drinking tied to higher stomach cancer risk: MedlinePlus
Men who down more than four alcoholic drinks in a day may have a heightened risk of stomach cancer, a large European analysis suggests.A number of studies have looked at whether people's drinking...
View ArticleAlcohol damages female brains three times faster - Medical Observer
WOMEN with alcohol dependency experience damage to serotonin brain function at three times the rate of male counterparts, a Swedish study has shown.Women experience a 50% reduction in parts of the...
View ArticleHealth the casualty of Coles and Woolies alcohol price war
In recent days, Woolworths and Coles have put out a flurry of media releases, each staking a claim to being the cheapest place to buy alcohol this summer.See it on, via Alcohol and Health News
View ArticleMonday's medical myth: mixing drinks causes hangovers
As a general practitioner, I hear a lot of colourful advice from my patients about what they believe constitutes “safe” drinking and how to avoid a nasty hangover.Some of the more pithy sayings –...
View ArticleBooze and Family History of Colon Cancer a Bad Mix: Study: MedlinePlus
People who consume a few alcoholic drinks a day and have a family history of colorectal cancer are at increased risk for developing colon cancer, new research suggests.See it on, via Alcohol...
View ArticleStop-Smoking Drug May Also Curb Problem Drinking: MedlinePlus
The quit-smoking drug Chantix may also help problem drinkers cut their alcohol consumption, a small new study suggests.See it on, via Alcohol and Health News
View ArticleWhy does drinking alcohol cause dehydration? › Dr Karl's Great Moments In...
We humans have been making and drinking alcohol for thousands of years.It's a strange liquid. We can use it as a fuel or germ-killer, use it to preserve human heads or other body parts in jars for...
View ArticleNew board to regulate alcohol advertising 16/03/2012
A coalition of health campaigners will launch their own national review board for alcohol advertising They say the current regulator is a toothless tiger and has done little to reign in the...
View ArticleCalling time on alcohol taxation in Australia
Alcohol is a prime target for taxation.It’s a good source of government revenue; it allows governments to recoup costs for providing services to drinkers (such as accident and emergency care and...
View ArticleJAMA : Prevalence of Alcohol Use Disorders Before and After Bariatric Surgery
In this cohort, the prevalence of AUD was greater in the second postoperative year than the year prior to surgery or in the first postoperative year and was associated with male sex and younger age,...
View ArticleDrinkwise labels: failing to deliver? - Life Matters - ABC Radio National...
Just over 12 months ago the alcohol industry initiated Drinkwise with the aim of providing consumers with information about health risks and alcohol. But a report just released from the Ipsos Social...
View ArticleAustralians and alcohol: 'It was just all about the drinking' - Life Matters...
Have you ever wondered about how much you actually drink? Have you ever played a drinking game? Have you ever given someone another drink, even after they said they'd had enough?Have you ever thought...
View ArticleThe effect of alcohol cessation on complications following surgery | Cochrane...
Based on the finding of two studies, it appears that intensive preoperative alcohol cessation interventions, including pharmacological strategies for relapse prophylaxis and withdrawal symptoms, may...
View Article'Double edge' in alcohol and energy drinks › News in Science (ABC Science)
Mixing energy drinks with alcohol could keep you more alert as you get drunk, but it can also lead to heart palpitations, a new Australian study has found.See it on, via Alcohol and Health News
View ArticleDepartment of Health & Ageing - Government Welcomes Alcohol Labelling Initiative
The Federal Government welcomes the alcohol labelling initiative launched by DrinkWise Australia and the Winemakers' Federation of Australia on 24 September 2012.See it on, via Alcohol and...
View ArticlePM - Alcohol groups slam minimum pricing as 'regressive' 23/10/2012
The alcohol lobby has criticised the suggestion that minimum pricing of alcohol would benefit for Australian public health A Federal Government agency is due to release a report by the end of the...
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